1.What is the name of your business and what inspired the name?
The name of the organization is Limomonane Trust and it was inspired by it’s meaning really, which translates; Sweet Things. If we take care of our environment, it shall bear sweet things for us.
2. What triggered your company to embark on environmental sustainability?
The Organization was started as a response to some of the challenges that were faced by the sister company, that happens to be a commercial farming business. In the past couple of years Lesotho has been severely affected by a El Niño-induced drought, leaving more than 60% of the rural population at risk of food insecurity. This challenged us to start an organization that will work at the intersection of food security and climate action, not only to respond to the challenges faced by an individual company, but those of a wider audience, especially rural farmers.
3. What are your vision, mission and objectives?
Generally, Limomonane Trust wishes to contribute toward the future that is food secure, sufficient and sovereign with intentionality and adequate systems to respond swiftly to the call to restore and maintain the environmental ecosystem in a sustainable manner.
4. What have you achieved so far?
In the past two years of our existence, we have been able to plant trees in the two districts, developed orchards for a private farm as well as a school. We have run a supplier development programme for farmers and capacitated households on conservation agriculture in Mafeteng. We are currently implementing a national project that is called #10Thousandtrees that will see us planting 10,000 trees in each of the 10 districts.

5. What were the challenges that you have faced since the establishment of your business?
Some of the challenges include lack understanding of issues of environment, ignorance, societies that have a myriad of challenges that are of much urgency for them to pay attention to issues of sustainability, thereby making an issue as important as this to be given the back seat
6. What partnerships have you made?
We have been able to make partnerships with communities we work with from their leaders all the way to an ordinary Mosotho woman or youth and collaborations with some of the grassroots organizations working in the green economy space. We have caught the attention of corporate, that is, Vodacom Lesotho that has sponsored two of our projects so far. We have also been sponsored by Metropolitan Lesotho and Nedbank too.
7. How have they advanced and challenged your work?
All our partners have played a critical role in shaping and nurturing our vision. Limomonane Trust intends to influence corporate Lesotho to prioritize issues of sustainability and align with global trends, however many a times companies lack policies around this. There is need to be intentional about issues of sustainable and not engage on them as a touch and go because they need more time and resources to realize impact.
8. How would you encourage people to take part in sustaining the environment?
It starts with living our lives at individual level with green consciousness. We need to really become stewards of this earth in every sense of it and remember to make it better for generations to come. It sounds cliché and basic, but we need to check how we litter our environment from the likes of the use of plastic; let’s pay attention to how and what we eat-was it responsibly sourced? Does it contain harmful chemicals to both humans and the environment? We also need to intentionally preserve the environment and always find ways to green it, plant a tree, a flower, don’t kill animals and any inhabitants and remember each and every one of them have a role to play in the entire ecosystem.
9. Upcoming Events

Contact Details
Phone: 2232 6754
Cell: 57893466
Email: lipuo@limomonanetrust.org